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Twistshake aspires to develop products that are simple and safe to use, yet also offers an appealing design. We are of the opinion that aiming for functionality does not mean that we can ignore aesthetics, and our designers are always looking for ways to combine practicality with eye-pleasing design.

All of Twistshake’s products are BPA-free. Twistshake cares about your safety. We want to give your child the best possible start in life. Twistshake’s products only utilises materials that meet all the safety regulations in regards to foodstuffs.

We have hand-picked materials of only the highest quality, and we believe this is something that becomes clear when you encounter our products. It is there, at first glance and first feel. The way we work involves regular quality inquiries that are performed in co-operation with world class test labs, all in order to guarantee quality and safety of the absolute highest order

We are here for you! We have a 24-hour live chat so that you always can get in touch with us and get tips and advice about our products.

Willkommen bei Twistshake! 👋 Hier finden Sie eine große Auswahl an intelligenten, sicheren und hochwertigen Babyprodukten in schwedischem Design. Wir sind ständig bestrebt, Produkte zu entwickeln, die leicht zu benutzen sind und Eltern den Alltag erleichtern. Entdecken Sie einige unserer beliebtesten Produkte in den Kategorien Badewannen, Geschirr, Babyfläschchen, Kinderwagen und mehr. Bei uns kaufen Sie schnell, sicher und immer zum günstigen Preis!
