Learn about the materials Twistshake uses
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Paiements sécurisés
As parents ourselves, we completely understand the concerns you may have when baby products. Providing your little ones with products that are comfortable and free from harmful substances is a valid and ongoing concern for every parent. You’ll be happy to know that here at Twistshake, we are always focused on developing safe and toxic-free products that exceed all safety and quality standards stipulated by local and European legislation. We achieve this by using a combination of high-quality materials and manufacturing standards. We give your baby the healthiest possible start to life. All our products are free from: • Melamine • Formaldehyde • BPA plastic • Biological raw materials • Phthalates • Bisphenol A (BPA) • Flame Retardants • PFOA/PFOS • Triclosan • Parabens • Bioplastic materials
With passion for babies
The majority of our products are made using polypropylene and silicone. Would you like to learn more about polypropylene and silicone?
Polypropylene is a stable, durable and heat-resistant material that is one of the most commonly used plastic materials in the world. It is considered physiologically and biologically neutral. Polypropylene is also easy to clean, which makes it perfect for our products.
Silicone is used as seals and teats in our products. It does not trigger any allergic reactions commonly seen in products using latex. Silicone is also very easy to clean and sterilize – two factors that are important for the safe daily use of baby products.
Discover our range of safe, ethically-manufactured and environmentally-friendly baby products
• Twistshake avoids all non-eco-friendly and non-sustainable manufacturing processes • Twistshake take great care in using materials with a low-impact on the environment and that are safe and healthy for the little ones to use every day. No exceptions! • Twistshake manufacturing processes prevent any toxins or heavy metals from being leached into the environment. • We strive to be environmentally friendly across our entire production chain. We also continuously attempt to achieve even more sustainable alternatives.
Our textile products are made of high-grade materials and go through the same kind of testing as our other products in terms of physical, mechanical and chemical tests according to European regulations and our internal quality standards. Chemical tests confirm that our products are safe and free from substances such as azocolourants, heavy metal and phthalates.
Before any of our products are launched, they are reviewed by an accredited third-party laboratory which performs all necessary tests stipulated by relevant European regulations and standards. The tests are meant to detect any harmful substances such as heavy metals, phthalates and Bisphenol A (BPA) to ensure we comply with European regulations for safe use for consumers.
Twistshake is extremely proud to say that we are one of the few companies in the market that manufactures products completely free of: • Melamine • Formaldehyde • BPA plastic • Biological raw materials • Phthalates • Bisphenol A (BPA) • Flame Retardants • PFOA/PFOS • Triclosan • Parabens • Bioplastic materials
Do you have a question or feedback about our products? Please send us an e-mail at service@twistshake.com. We love to hear from all of our baby mamas and baby daddies.
Bienvenue sur Twistshake ! 👋 Vous trouverez ici une vaste sélection de produits pour bébé de conception suédoise, intelligents, sûrs et de qualité supérieure. Nous nous efforçons de développer les meilleurs produits pour simplifier la vie des parents au quotidien. Découvrez nos articles préférés pour le bain, le repas, les biberons pour bébé, poussettes et bien plus encore. Commandez rapidement, en toute sécurité et avec l'assurance de bénéficier des meilleurs tarifs !